Category: Uncategorized

No-one Can Make You Happy…

The key to good relationships….Actually, NOTHING and NO-ONE can make you happy (well, at least not truly happy) until you are happy with yourself; not even wealth – there are plenty of unhappy rich people in the world! Subscribe to the Improving Your Life BlogLetter As well as weekly news, information and updates from the…

By ashy247 01/06/2020 0

Improve Yourself…

I think there are times when it’s simply easier to blame someone or something for our situation… The fact is though, that we, and only we, are in control of our emotions and our reactions…. It is necessary to strive to improve yourself and take responsibility for everything in your life to become the person…

By ashy247 31/05/2020 0

New ‘Improving Your Life’ Course…

Our latest course ‘Improving Your Life (The Improving Your Life Roadmap)’ is now live…There are eleven modules; to guide you through the process of making real and lasting change in your life.You can access and download the first module ‘The Starting Point – LifeTracker’ for free…… So, how is your life? We all have areas…

By ashy247 30/05/2020 0

Don’t Get Old?

Just thought I would share this interesting TED talk about the possibility of stopping the ageing process… What do you think? Subscribe to the Improving Your Life BlogLetter As well as weekly news, information and updates from the Improving Your Life Network websites, social presence, etc., you will also get: Free stuff, offers, and recommendations…

By ashy247 15/04/2020 0

A Slightly Unconventional New Year Message…

Happy New Year to all my family, friends, colleagues, and everyone wherever you may be in the world!… As you may have realised by now, I have a rather attitude to new year resolutions…whilst the intentions are undoubtedly great, they are generally doomed to failure because there is rarely any sort of realistic strategy or…

By ashy247 31/12/2016 0


You may have seen the film and therefore probably know that koyaanisquatsi means ‘crazy life’ or ‘life out of balance’, but for those of you who haven’t heard of it:It details the crazy way that us humans live our lives whilst destroying the planet, has no dialogue, lots of time-lapse photography, and a haunting score…

By ashy247 31/10/2016 0

Happy Holidays?

You can tell a lot about a persons’ life from their holiday habits… Do you like to go to the same familiar country or even town in your own country every year for your holiday?…. …or do you prefer to be more adventurous and visit different places in the world? The fact is most people…

By ashy247 22/10/2016 0

True Friends?…

In a previous post we discussed how it is virtually impossible to to have a truly positive attitude and outlook on life when we are constantly surrounded by negativity; news, TV programs, political backstabbing, etc. Well, there another potentially far greater source of negativity; people!… …maybe those you work with, friends of friends, or even…

By ashy247 26/09/2016 0

Lean Thinking vs Lean Mind…

Originally ‘Lean Thinking’ was defined in Womack & Jones influential 1996 book as consisting of five principles: 1) Specify Value 2) Identify The Value Stream 3) Flow 4) Pull 5) Perfection Clearly, the focus is on processes rather than people. Even the latest definitions only replace ‘Perfection’ with ‘Continuous Improvement’ and add a global ‘respect…

By ashy247 18/09/2016 0