A Slightly Unconventional New Year Message…
Happy New Year to all my family, friends, colleagues, and everyone wherever you may be in the world!…
As you may have realised by now, I have a rather attitude to new year resolutions…
whilst the intentions are undoubtedly great, they are generally doomed to failure because there is rarely any sort of realistic strategy or plan as to how they might be achieved.
To me, it has always seemed idealistic to expect that just because a resolution is made at this particular time, there will magically be some greater chance of success…
Surely, it makes much more sense to make self-improvement, and therefore improvement of all aspects of our lives, part of our daily routine EVERY DAY, not just for New Year?
Anyway, I am not belittling the undoubted positivity and motivation that a new year brings, and it’s a great time to reflect on the successes and failures of the past year and recognise where improvement can be achieved in the coming days, weeks, and months…
Personally, to do this, I will be re-completing the ‘LifeTracker Assessment’ to help identify where improvement has been made and where it still needs to be made.
So click on this link to get yours FREE to start to make profound improvement to your life today.
Wishing you all good health and greater happiness and prosperity for 2017.