I guess this section could have been called ‘health & fitness’ but the key elements are nutrition and metabolism, so that what we will focus on:
If you are not healthy, there’s really no point being successful! you need to be fit and well to enjoy all the things that you want to do…
…So how do you stay fit, healthy, and energetic?
Well, what you eat is critical, so is exercise… but it doesn’t take some extreme vegan diet or extreme workout regime!…
…Simply eating a good, varied diet, maybe supplemented with probiotics, green juice, etc. and gentle exercise for 20 minutes per day (mild cardio, aerobics, or simply walking) and you will soon feel the difference.
As this site and the network develops, this section will be expanded to provide a detailed action plan for a truly healthy lifestyle…
…To get you started we have put together:
‘The No-BS Health & Fitness Guide‘ PDF which you can download for free HERE.
A good starting point for your new healthier daily routine is to start the day in the most nutritious and invigorationg way possible with some ‘green juice’…
Check out what I personally use HERE.
In my personal opinion Organifi Green Juice is simply the best quality and best tasting green juice out there…
looking after your nutrition and metabolism, combined with the positive mindset, daily routine, environmental considerations, and everything else we have outlined so far, you have the solid foundation you need to reset your life and make profound improvement….
You may have heard the expression
‘A place for everything, and everything in it’s place’…
…click on the arrow below to discover how and why the way we organise our physical environment and time-consuming daily chores is so important to achieving our goals, and hence success in everything we do:
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- Free stuff, offers, and recommendations that we think will be of genuine usefulness or interest to you
- Tips & tricks for healthy, happy, living and continuously improving all aspects of your life
- Motivational and inspirational content and quotes
… and any other cool stuff we come across of relevance and interest: