History Of The Improving Your Life Network (Academy)
People often ask me why I decided to create The Improving Your Life Network (now evolved into The Improving Your Life Academy) way back in 2007… Well, the simple answer is that I realised that the principles of Continuous Improvement and Lean Manufacturing that I was implementing in various companies would be just as valid…
Why Your Mindset Is Truly The Foundation Of Your Success…
Dr Joe Dispensa gives, what is in my opinion, the best explanation of why mastering your mindset is the key to improving every aspect of your life and creating true success and happiness… A habit is a redundant set of automatic, unconscious thoughts, behaviours and emotions that’s acquired through repetition. A habit is when you’ve…
What’s Your Morning Routine?
I think getting up that hour earlier to start the day with some sort of self development morning routine is extremely powerful and set’s you up to be far more alert, motivated, and focussed to achieve more from your day… My morning routine: For me, it’s a mix of meditation, journaling, exercise, and listening to…
Why Affirmations Don’t Work!
Most self-improvement programs, morning routines, positive mindset trainings, etc. include affirmations as one of the main components, however, most people don’t find them really effective and, often, they simply don’t come true. So why are affirmations so ineffective for most people? The classic way to affirm something is to tell yourself that you already have…
Helping more People…
Since I conceived the idea of creating an ambitious project to create a wide-ranging network of sites and resources aimed at sharing techniques and information aimed at helping more people to make profound improvement in all areas of life back in 2006, it has quietly grown to become the Improving Your Life Academy that you…
Marine Phytoplankton – The Best Nutritional Supplement?
So why should you consider supplementing your diet with marine phytoplankton?It’s a well-documented fact that nutrient levels in the foods that we are eating are decreasing, and many believe that it is now impossible to get the full range and quantity of vitamins, minerals, etc. that we need to maintain a truly healthy life from…