Lean Thinking vs Lean Mind…
Originally ‘Lean Thinking’ was defined in Womack & Jones influential 1996 book as consisting of five principles:
1) Specify Value
2) Identify The Value Stream
3) Flow
4) Pull
5) Perfection
Clearly, the focus is on processes rather than people.
Even the latest definitions only replace ‘Perfection’ with ‘Continuous Improvement’ and add a global ‘respect (or develop) people’ term at all stages.
Either way, there is no recognition of the need to have the right ‘mindset’ to effectively implement or even work with these ‘lean thinking’ principles.
This is what is referred to as ‘Lean Mind’.
Development of the way CEOs, Managers, and all Team Members think is surely the first, most important (and most neglected!) step in the lean thinking journey.
It is necessary to become aware of subconscious mindset, attitudes, beliefs, and conditioning, and change them to be aligned with what needs to be achieved…
…If you are still awake and interested at this point, you can download a free presentation on the subject;
So click on this link to get your FREE ‘Improving Your Life Roadmap’ to start to make profound improvement to your life today.
Develop a ‘Lean Mind’ and the biggest roadblock to ‘Lean Thinking’ is removed!
Have a productive day!